
Epoxy Resin river Table. Стол из слэбов с эпоксидной смолой.

Купить смолу или заказать стол -0687862402 — Андрей
Epoxy resin river table, epoxy table,slab table,DIY epoxy table
Стол из слэбов и эпоксидки своими руками,
используемое дерево — грецкий орех.
Композиция «Whatdafunk» принадлежит исполнителю Audionautix. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Исполнитель: audionautix.com/
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Woodturning - Wet

In this video I turn a piece of green/wet Plum into a naturel edge vessel ,I would normally seal the ends and store a piece like this to dry naturally but thought I would turn this green for a change… I spun the piece as fast as I thought was safe and used a heat gun in an attempt to dry it ,this was a bit of an experiment so Im expecting a bit of movement and some splitting around the pith which in my opinion adds more character to a piece like this but I understand not everyone will like this… I finished it with Danish oil and will eventually apply 4 or 5 coats…

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Табурет изнутри. Антиреставрация. Стройхак

Эпоксидная смола плюс старая табуретка. Эпичный проект. Стройхак полезные советы.

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Токарный станочек за 15 минут. Глубокая модернизация

Пошаговая инструкция быстрой доработки своими руками простого малогабаритного токарного станка по дереву на базе ручной дрели. С помощью ручной электродрели, двух центров: ведущего и вращающегося ведомого и пары отрезков фанеры любой мастер может самостоятельно изготовить простой токарный станочек, пригодный для обработки деталей длиной до 70 см. Работа станка продемонстрирована на примере точения элементов орнамента резной рамки для полотенец.
Этот ролик продолжает рассказ о самодельном токарном станочке, начатый здесь: youtu.be/GVtQ1to9IxI.
Ролик с канала «Древо. Искусство точения» о работе стамесками на токарном станке: youtu.be/7zpvRoXC8ro.

Композиция «Acoustic Shuffle» принадлежит исполнителю Audionautix. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Исполнитель: audionautix.com/

Если Вам понравился этот ролик и Вы хотите получать уведомления о моих новых работах, подписывайтесь на мой канал: goo.gl/KnZSfV

В этом ролике Вы увидели:
универсальные столярные козлы youtu.be/zaFS7608vKQ
рабочий стол для сверлильного станка youtu.be/XbozadKsUyM

Полезные ссылки:
Столярные и плотницкие работы goo.gl/dxWcmL
Моя столярная мастерская goo.gl/Bcv38w


Welcome To My Channel (Be Creative) in our workshop you can find many things related to metalworking and woodworking like :-

— Woodworking tool
— hand tool
— DIY tool
— life hack
— homemade tools
— Genius idea
— metal works
— experiment
— diy idea
-inventions etc
Our Video is made who are not able to by tools you can try to make by yourself only if you are experienced and know how to use the hand tools.
But the videos which are experimental are only for entertainment and educational purpose only.
So dont try this in your home.
And if your trying to make any of the tools make sure to wear a safety gear and it will be on your own risk.

*Be Creative:- www.instagram.com/be_creative_do_something/
*Video creator:- goo.gl/4Y54WP

*Be Creative:- goo.gl/SWtiiL
*Video Creator:- www.facebook.com/shailendra1994

Tik Tok:
*Be Creative:- @be_creative_do_something
*Video Creative:-@shailendra_patel

How did THAT get THERE?!

This was my second attempt at off center woodturning. Just as nerve wracking as the first time I made an off center goblet. Not everything went to plan, but Im glad I could at least salvage the captive ring!

Support my vids! www.patreon.com/cookwoodworks
Subscribe for more videos: www.youtube.com/c/CookWoodworks?sub_confirmation=1

My tools:
Starbond Glue: bit.ly/2RFrayA (Use discount code «cook» for 10% off!)
Resin: amzn.to/2nUhFPg
Finishing Oil: amzn.to/2oAFPP6
Carbide Chisels: amzn.to/2NUiEdq
Face Shield: amzn.to/2Ac4Cvj
Center Finder: amzn.to/2ld06Ju
Jet Lathe: amzn.to/2qG2wD5
Nova Chuck: amzn.to/32tJvkm
Respirator: amzn.to/2N7mxfm
Miter Saw: amzn.to/2ZpjuBW
Drill: amzn.to/2XtnW0G
Square: amzn.to/2VaCNzW
Clamps: amzn.to/2UvPSiZ

*if you shop through these links I may receive a small commission. The price is the same for you, but it helps support me as a beginner woodturner in my quest to get a bigger lathe to make bigger projects, and I really appreciate it!


столешницы из эпоксидной смолы 2, креатив своими руками/table tops made of epoxy resin 2, creative

Эксклюзивные столешницы из эпоксидной смолы, которые нигде не увидишь. Как мастера делают креатив своими руками!!!
Exclusive table tops made of epoxy resin that you will not see anywhere else. How masters make creative with their own hands!!!
YouTube channel — bit-ly.ru/jYq8
Icewood Designs
youtube channel — www.youtube.com/channel/UCmDcj7rAXgMM6ADfWgaA4Lw

Blacktail Studio
youtube channel — www.youtube.com/channel/UC6I0KzAD7uFTL1qzxyunkvA
instagram — www.instagram.com/blacktailstudio/
Facebook — www.facebook.com/blacktailstudio
Roller — www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR4_yHwR_kA

Alex Kat
youtube channel — www.youtube.com/channel/UCS3WBFGEgQqL5oRxfsbha7g
instagram — www.instagram.com/Alexkat_woodworking/
Roller — www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuwIG_JrS0I

Mr. Fast
youtube channel — www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYgMYvvs-NGiquQ5ubZnXg
facebook — www.facebook.com/Pcreativelife.01
twitter — twitter.com/lifecreativehq
Roller — www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfaWdxxwMnE

Weekend Builders
youtube channel — www.youtube.com/channel/UCeHPHfFPqg7BTf7AhPxBBzQ
instagram — www.instagram.com/weekendbuilders/
facebook — www.facebook.com/Weekend-Builders-1987917264569759/
Roller — www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EFvYXrnuQc

Epoxy theme
youtube channel — www.youtube.com/channel/UCw8K1pnLoCHETiZNCqlB9EA
Roller — www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eUDfssNlJ4


Первый блин не комом!!! Проба пера. Гигантское блюдечко из оливкового ясеня

Гигантское блюдечко из оливкового ясеня.
И снова токарные работы и эпоксидка.
Токарный станок Record Power Coronet Herald я покупал еще зимой на фирме Моссклад mossklad.ru/_PRODUCTPAGE/1745958
Кулачки на токарный патрон для точения больших диаметров mossklad.ru/_PRODUCTPAGE/1753425
Там же недавно взял аутригер и токарные резцы.
Материал для блюда – оливковый ясень. Для заливки трещин использовалась эпоксидная смола. Ювелирная эпоксидка очень текучая и быстро застывает, но названия не помню.
Из инструментов понадобились: ленточная пила JIB MBS 400, аккумулятоный рубанок Риоби (Ryobi), термоклеевой пистолет, шлифмашина Фестул ротекс (Festool rotex), фрезер и некоторые другие. Для покрытия использовалось мебельное масло Фестул. После покрытия на древесине проявилась яркая текстура и красивый рисунок.
Ленточная пила MBS 400 youtu.be/qkOMMdR-upg
ТБ при работах с УШМ youtu.be/LFC3SIFn4aY
Столешница из ясеня и эпоксидки в ванную youtu.be/allFCnRdjpM
МК по работе с деревом и эпоксидкой youtu.be/WRWvfcyqSn4
Ленточный напильник Энкор youtu.be/hpXPTzXIBzQ

#Heartwood #Хартвуд #моссклад #mossklad #токарка #фрезер #столярка #деревообработка #ясень #планшайба #Фестул #Festool

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Страница Вконтакте: vk.com/mazai75

Instagram www.instagram.com/heartwood.mail75/

ЖЖ: mazai-san.livejournal.com/

Одноглазики: ok.ru/profile/559440384115

Партнерская программа Yoola: youpartnerwsp.com/join?10227

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!

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Сбербанк 4276 1609 0418 0388

PayPal muha.karih2012@yandex.ru

Webmoney: R277335225414

Forging a KATANA out of Rusted Iron CHAIN

Well, This Katana took me too long to make and this was not easy to make it such perfect. Alot of People asked me to make Katana so i tried my best to make a perfect Katana Sword as i can.

Overall Sword Length: 35 Inches
Handle Length: 8 Inches
Blade Length: 26 Inches

All the Processes are below of making this beautiful KATANA:
It took me almost three days to hand forge an Iron Chain piece into a long Metal Strip and this was one of my hardest forging ever. I dont have a power hammer so i did all the forging with hands and turned a chain piece into an almost 33 — 34 inches long steel strip.
I started some rough grindings of long strip on my Belt sander and turned the strip into a Katana shaped long steel piece. I also hand sanded the edges with the help of file to remove almost all the roughness of the sword.
o. I made the Blood Groove with the help of rotary grinder.
o. The blade bevel was made by my professional angle grinder.
o. Hand Sanded the blade to remove roughness.
There is a professional way to harden a Katana and that is
Covering the whole sword in a Fire Clay (Insulation) Except the blade bevel.After that we put the sword into the fire and heat it to critical temperature. We use oil to Quench the heated sword in it. Now the Bevel is hard and the remaining sword is annealed. Tempering the blade is the best way to increase the Strength, Hardness and Toughness of the sword.
This piece is traditionally made by forging some copper or brass but we can also make it by casting these metals. And the purpose of hibaki is to hold the Sheath with the handle.
The Handle contains three parts.
o. GUARD: I made the guard by using a thick brass sheet, which is roundly turned into a beautiful metal piece that can show a partition between the handle and the remaining sword.
o. Spacer: This is the little metal piece which fits on tang and controls the fittings of the whole handle so nothing should vibrate in handle.
o. Wood: A nice piece of wood uses as a handle of the sword and that could be Wrapped by some soft (leather) strips.

Forging a KATANA out of Rusted Iron CHAIN

Always wear leather gloves while sanding knives. Always keep a First Aid Kit at your work place.

Our Instagram = www.instagram.com/random.hands/
Youtube Channel = www.youtube.com/randomhands
Our Facebook = www.facebook.com/randomhands
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Wood Turning Golf Tees

Making this vase out of golf tees was fun, but its probably my last sporting equipment woodturning project for a while. Youd be surprised how much a golf tee can sting when it ejects at 1000 RPM! Its not the prettiest vase Ive made, but I still think its cool seeing the tees suspended in resin.

My tools:
Starbond Glue: bit.ly/2RFrayA (Use discount code «cook» for 10% off!)
Resin: amzn.to/2nUhFPg
Finishing Oil: amzn.to/2oAFPP6
Carbide Chisels: amzn.to/2NUiEdq
Face Shield: amzn.to/2Ac4Cvj
Center Finder: amzn.to/2ld06Ju
Jet Lathe: amzn.to/2qG2wD5
Nova Chuck: amzn.to/32tJvkm
Miter Saw: amzn.to/2ZpjuBW
Drill: amzn.to/2XtnW0G
Square: amzn.to/2VaCNzW
Clamps: amzn.to/2UvPSiZ

*if you shop through these links I may receive a small commission. The price is the same for you, but it helps support me as a beginner woodturner in my quest to get a bigger lathe to make bigger projects, and I really appreciate it!
