
Gesaffelstein — Viol

Stream/Download here: turborec.lnk.to/Conspiracy2

Project « Ghostrider » was born from the desire of two fixed gear passionates who decided to film their night strolling in the french capital city.

Fond of images (the first one is a film director, the other one a photographer) and fixies, Jérémy and Anto, aka // Les Darons //, catch the adrenalin spirit of the discipline inside their cameras. The first opus, « Ghostrider » is soon massively shared. A year later, its time for « Ghostrider II », with only one leitmotiv: the search for danger that brings out the filthiest instincts.

As a result, they created a mind blowing video you cannot look away from, since the mastered elegance of the black

Hotline Miami 1

A workout mix I made based on some of the songs of Hotline Miami 1 and 2. I created this for myself, because I have always wanted to listen to some songs from my favorite games, movies and tv shows whenever I lift weights, but I never get to find good mixes, so here we go.

Subscribe to my Twitter to know when the next mixes get released!


Other greats mixes:

John Wick — youtu.be/U33DZyrgz2w
Fate Series — youtu.be/YEKIy9_nYu0
Katana Zero — youtu.be/pT-RkWoRcJg
Furi — youtu.be/SeyK8CQ5C9o
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance — youtu.be/VxMnuIKSAIY

Also, if you are into anime, I recommend this Anime Music Quiz:

The song list and time stamps:
1. 0:00 — Knock
2. 4:04 — Inner Animal
3. 7:44 — Crystals
4. 12:32 — Hydrogen
5. 17:21 — Voyager
6. 20:48 — Dust
7. 25:46 — Divide
8. 30:01 — In The Face Of Evil
9. 34:06 — Frantic Aerobics
10. 37:50 — Bloodline
11. 41:01 — Roller Mobster
12. 44:36 — Le Perv
13. 48:53 — She Swallowed Burning Coals
14. 53:35 — Future Club

#Workoutmix #CarpenterBrut

Ария - Лучшие песни 1999 год.(Сборник.)

Ария — Лучшие песни 1999 год.(Сборник.)

Диск 1
1.Что Вы Сделали С Вашей Мечтой 0:00
2.Герой Асфальта 5:17
3.Раскачаем Этот Мир 10:16
4.Воля и Разум 16:12
5.Бивни Чёрных Скал 20:45
6.Улица Роз 25:31
7.Баллада о Древнерусском Воине 31:25
8.Это Рок 39:55
9.Встань, Страх Преодолей 45:47
10.Игра с Огнём 50:00

Диск 2
1.Прощай, Норфолк! 59:00
3.Возьми Моё Сердце 1:08:56
4.Отшельник 1:13:00
5.Кровь За Кровь 1:18:35
6.Дух Войны 1:26:14
7.Ангельская Пыль 1:31:08
8.Дезертир 1:37:05
9.Обман 1:43:33
10.Ночь Короче Дня 1:48:48

Ремастеринг 1999 года — Андрей Субботин, студия Saturday Mastering
Продюсер — Владимир Холстинин 
Художник — Василий Гаврилов
Дизайн — Павел Семенов
1999 АРИЯ
Published — 1999 Moroz Recodrs