Москва. Наши дни. В центре города из машины двое воришек крадут сумку с миллионом евро, думая, что им, наконец, повезло, и даже не представляя, во что, на самом деле, они ввязались. За деньгами начинается настоящая охота. Перед искушением не может устоять никто. Сумма в виде двух пачек денег по полмиллиона евро делает абсолютно разных людей одинаковыми в своих поступках и желаниях: А началось все с того, что «миллионщик» Григорий не захотел честно платить налоги.
Baby, let me love you down
Theres so many ways to love you
Baby, I can break you down
Theres so many ways to love you
Got me like, «Oh my gosh», Im so in love
I found you finally, you make me want to say
Oh oh oh-oh oh, oh oh oh-oh oh
Oh oh oh-oh oh, oh oh, oh my gosh
(Oh oh oh-oh oh, oh oh oh-oh)
Director: Absofacto and Matt Day
Executive Producers: Matt Day and Ben Fee
Director of Photography: Justin Derry
Lifeguard: Alex Knight
Swimmers: The Aqualillies
Aqualillies EP: Mary Jeanette Ramsey
Animation: Dreambear Productions
No flask can keep it
Bubble up and cut right through
But youre someone I believe in
You heat me like a filament
Anytime youre in the room
But you burned me and Im smoking
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve
In a pool full of your love
But I dont even know how the chemistry works
When youre poolside
Kicking in the dirt
Kicking in the sand
And stirring up trouble
Cant find an exit
I wander in a maze alone
If I find you will you shock me?
Left left and right right
Pretty sure that Ive been here before
And It isnt what I wanted
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve
In a pool full of your love
But I dont even know how the chemistry works
When youre poolside
Kicking in the dirt
Kicking in the sand
And stirring up trouble
Your voice like an angel
Been chain smoking all month long
Like youre someone I believe in
Am I only a lab rat?
Someone you can test things on?
This isnt what I signed up for
I just wanted you to
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve
In a pool full of your love
But I dont even know how the chemistry works
When youre poolside
Kicking in the dirt
Kicking in the sand
And stirring up trouble
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve
I just wanted you to watch me dissolve
Drums, Percussion: Bill Bruford
Producer: Bill Bruford
Bass Guitar: Chris Squire
Electric Guitar: Chris Squire
Producer: Chris Squire
Backing Vocals: Chris Squire
Engineer: Eddie Offord
Producer: Eddie Offord
Assistant Engineer: Gary Martin
Producer: Jon Anderson
Lead Vocals: Jon Anderson
Backing Vocals: Jon Anderson
Harpsichord, Mellotron, Piano, Synthesizer: Rick Wakeman
Hammond Organ: Rick Wakeman
Producer: Rick Wakeman
Acoustic Guitar: Steve Howe
Electric Guitar: Steve Howe
Producer: Steve Howe
Backing Vocals: Steve Howe
Composer, Writer: Jon Anderson
Composer, Writer: Steve Howe
Игорь Вовчанчин был чемпионом по «Боям без правил» за годы до их перевоплощения в ММА. На рубеже тысячелетий он слыл самым устрашающим нокаутёром смешанных единоборств. Сегодня мы вспомним его блистательный боевой забег длинною в десятилетие.