I played «A Town With An Ocean View» on the piano.
Its a song within a play on «Kikis Delivery Service». goo.gl/t79gv9
Sheet music is here. pianobooks.jp/score.php?id=122
Please enjoy :)
Back at it with the seasonal arrangements, heres the full version of the opening to Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba), Gurenge by LiSA!!!
Ive got literally nothing to say about this arrangement… except for the fact that its a typical zzz arrangement: in other words, *look for the three hand technique* :)
(Piano Covered by kno)
・風の谷のナウシカ(1984)/Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
1.風の伝説/Kazeno Densetsu (Legend of the Wind)0:00
・天空の城ラピュタ(1986)Laputa:Castel in the Sky
2.君をのせて/Kimiwo Nosete(Carrying You)03:41
・魔女の宅急便(1989)/Kikis Delivery Service
3.かあさんのホウキ/Kaasanno Houki(Mothers Broom)07:08
4.海の見える街/Umino Mieru Matsu
(A Town with an Ocean View)11:59
5.晴れた日に・・・/Hareta Hini(On a Clear Day)17:51
6.町の夜/Machino Yoru(The Night in Town)16:59
7.やさしさに包まれたなら/Yasashisani Tsutsumaretanara
(Been Enveloped by Tenderness)22:42
・となりのトトロ(1988)My Neighbor Totoro
8.五月の村/Gogatsuno Mura(The Village in May)27:16
9.風のとおり道/Kazeno Toorimichi(The Path of the Wind)28:58
・紅の豚(1992)Porco Rosso
10.マルコとジーナのテーマ/Marukoto Jiinano Teema
(The Theme of Marco and Gena)33:17
・ハウルの動く城(2004)Howls Moving Castle
11.人生のメリーゴーランド/Jinseino Meriigoorando
(Merry-go-round of Life)37:20
12.世界の約束/Sekaino Yakusoku
(The Promise of the World)41:18
・ゲド戦記(2006)Tales from Earthsea
13.テルーの唄/Teruuno Uta(Terus Song)45:53
・思い出のマーニー(2014)When Marnie Was There
・耳をすませば(1995) Whisper of the Heart
(Take Me Home, Countory Roads)1:07:52
・かぐや姫の物語(2013年)The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
19.いのちの記憶/Inochino Kioku
(When I Remenber This Life)1:12:48
・コクリコ坂から(2011)From Up On Poppy Hill
20.さよならの夏~コクリコ坂から~/Sayonarano Natsu 1:18:01
・千と千尋の神隠し(2001)Spirited Away
21.いつも何度でも/Itsumo Nandodemo(Always with Me)1:22:50
22.千尋のワルツ/Chihirono Warutsu(Waltz of Chihiro)1:25:49
23.いのちの名前/Inochino Namae(The Name of Life)1:28:59
・火垂るの墓(1988)Grabe Of The Fireflies
24.はにゅうの宿/Hanyuunoyado(Home, Sweet Home)1:33:57
・もののけ姫(1997)Princess Mononoke
25.もののけ姫/Mononoke Hime(Pirincess Mononoke)1:36:40
26.アシタカせっ記/Ashitaka Sekki(The Legend of Ashitaka)1:41:38
27.アシタカとサン/Ashitaka to San(Ashitaka and San)1:46:44